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Protected Areas

Sorin Onisor Cata (5).jpg
Nature-Birds-HuhurezMare (c) Catalin Fuci

Transylvanian Highlands Eco destination includes national protected areas and protected areas that are part of European Natura 2000 network, the largest ecological network in the world, with over 25,000 sites, of which 531 in Romania - 7 of them in Transylvanian Highlands.

The large number of important natural sites make our eco destination the second largest protected area in the country, after the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation. With a total of 267,438 ha, it is home to a population of about 90,000 inhabitants, distributed in 44 municipalities and 3 counties (Sibiu, MureÈ™ and BraÈ™ov).


Transylvania, especially the area included in the Transylvanian Highlands is unique in Europe,

with a valuable natural and cultural heritage that we must preserve together


Here you can observe many species of fauna and flora, which are nationally and internationally threatened: flora (angelica or wild celery, arnica, wild orchids and daffodils), fauna - mammals (wolf, bear, wild cat, otter), birds (Eurasian sparrow hawk, Northern goshawk, Corncrake), reptile and amphibian species (Fire-Bellied Toad), protected species of fish and butterflies.


The area is best represented by its mosaic landscape, with 500 - 800 m high hills, with valleys accompanied by terraces and meadows, small villages with Saxon houses, fortresses and fortified evangelical churches , some of them part of the UNESCO heritage. Century old traditional methods of grazing and working the hay have led to the development of high natural value pastures (HNV). The biodiverse pastures contain a mixture of steppe, Mediterranean and Carpathian flora. The wildflower grasslands are a genetic resource for the future selection of forage crops, especially alfalfa, clover and other vegetables.


How to visit: The Natura 2000 protected areas are best discovered on foot, by horseback or by bicycle, on the marked trails that start from almost each village. 


There is no visit fee - for guided tours, look for Guides or local agencies.


The management plan with relevant information about the protected areas, rules and regulations of the activities inside the destination, according to the nature conservation objectives can be downloaded from the following link - document in Romanian.

Photo Credit: Florentina Florescu, Cătălin Fuciu

Basalt columns from RacoÅŸ

Fluffy oak reservation from DaneÅŸ commune

South West Hârtibaciu

Sighişoara - Târnava Mare

Natural Reserve "Secular oak trees from Breite Sighisoara"

Oak forest from Dosul Fânațului

South East Hârtibaciu

Podişul Hârtibaciului

Mihăileni canyon - a monument of nature

Oak forest from Dealul Purcăretului

Middle Olt-Cibiu-Hârtibaciu

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