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The first documentary mention of the town dates back to 1357, in sec. this village being part of the possessions of the hard-working people of Alţâna, so that towards the end of the age they belong to the Nocrich Chair. Today, it belongs administratively to Bârghiș commune.   Initially counting 50 families, Pelisor always had conflicts due to lands with an expansion at that time Biertan (somewhat neighboring. In the 17th century, the villagers of Pelisor were not allowed to leave the village, without giving up their entire property. In the eighteenth century a fire destroyed part of the village whose houses were still mainly built of wood.   The fortified church dates from the 20th century. XV and was built as a hall church, without a western tower, with a choir consisting of a single square beam and portals on the west and south sides.   The keys are hungry. Mild tel .: +40/269/254 045 - with programming address: Pelișor, no. 17   + "more details":   Outside, the ship has two buttresses at the corners of the western façade, one corresponding to the triumphal arch on the south side, and the choir has six buttresses. The ship is covered with a floor, the choir has a cross vault and the apse a vault with penetrations. On the north side of the ship are two windows, on the south side three, and in the choir seven windows in broken arch. Wooden balconies are built on the north and west sides of the ship.   It is likely that with the erection of the church, the curtain walls following the path of the promontory on which the ensemble is placed, so that the path of the walls to the south, north and west is approximately linear, so that in the east it describes a circle arc. Inside, on all sides, the watch road provided with embrasures and covered in a single water is kept. The enclosure has two towers in the northwest and southwest corners covered in the desk and a tower - gate bell on the south side. It has on the ground floor a vault in full height, a ridge that protects the semicircular entrance and at the last level a gallery of sliding on wooden consoles.   In the sec. XVII a second narrow enclosure is erected on the west side. Its walls have a height of 10 meters, a patrolling road and alternatively the shrews and embrasures.   The baroque organ located in the western stand dates from 1796, being moved in 1998 to the evangelical church in Bucharest.

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