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Take a ride on the Hârtibaciu Valley Old Steam Train Line


Cornățel, Sibiu


11 septembrie 2021 la 10:30:00

Organized by:

Asociația Prietenii Mocăniței, Consiliul Județean Sibiu

Join us at 20 min away from Sibiu, in Cornățel station for a wonderful trip with a steam train!

This year's guest of honor is the Crișcior 5 steam locomotive, at its first appearance on the Hârtibaciului valley. The train will also be composed of two closed wagons and an open, summer wagon, and if necessary a bicycle wagon can be attached, their transport being free of charge, in order to encourage cycling tourism, in the context of the Hiking Years.

The train will leave Cornățel station at 9:00, 11:00, 13:30 and 15:30 and will make the route Cornățel - Hosman and return in about an hour and a half, which includes a quarter of an hour break to Hosman for locomotive refueling and gasket turning maneuvers.

In the context of the pandemic, wearing a protective mask is mandatory in all wagons, even in the open. Each car will be equipped with a disinfectant gel dispenser, and between races the cars will be disinfected.

The event is organized by the Prietenii Mocăniței Association and is possible thanks to SC Calea Ferată Îngustă SA, which provides us with the train and the locomotive staff, as well as the Sibiu County Council, which has been co-financing this event for six years.
💶 Adults (round trip): 25 lei
💷 Children (round trip): 15 lei
🚏 Tickets are purchased online, prior to boarding, on

🚂🚃🚃🚃 The train has a capacity of 40 seats.

All aboard!

According to joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications no. 79/988/2020 on measures and rules in the field of transport during the Covid 19 pandemic, distance measures are not recquired on board trains, but it does requires the use of a protective mask in both wagons and platforms.

Details and bookings:

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