Transylvanian Brunch Șomartin
30 martie 2024 la 10:00:00
Organized by:
Șomartin 65, My Transylvania, Colinele Transilvaniei
Șura Culinară - Șomartin 65 invites you to join us for the opening of the 2024 season with a brunch featuring a spring menu and outdoor experiences:
Our program:
11:00 - 13:00 / Brunch buffet with local, seasonal specialties
13:00 - 15:00 / Birdwatching hike in the nearby forest and stroll through the hills
15:00 - 16:00 / Workshops for children and adults - how to build with local stone
During this event, we will also unveil the list of local experiences for 2024.
Spring Menu:
Cheese and spring onion pie, by Mrs. Maria Bordean from Bruiu
Bread with lard and herbs
Main courses:
Traditional nettle and smoked meat soup, prepared by Alina Răfăilă from Șomartin
Meat pie with mashed potatoes and sweet-sour apple sauce, following a Saxon recipe shared by Meta Schuster from Șomartin
For vegetarians, homemade noodles with nettle/ wild garlic sauce and crumbled cheese
Polenta with sour cream and jam, recipe from Mrs. Maria Bordean
Homemade chocolate, by Oana Crîngașu from Șomartin
Homemade syrups, chilled aromatic herbal tea, coffee
Details and bookings: