St. Nicholas Fair
4 decembrie 2021 la 10:00:00
Organized by:
GAL Dealurile Târnavelor, Colinele Transilvaniei / Transylvanian Highlands
Between December 4-6, 2021, the Dealurile Târnavelor LAG invites you to the St Nicholas Fair in the Eroilor Park in Daneș, Mureș County.
Every day, between 12:00 and 16:00, you will be able to meet producers, processors and artisans from the Târnava Mare area and buy local products from them.
On Sunday, December 5, from 14:00 we will have an "open stage" for groups / groups of carolers.
Participation is free, we are waiting for you!
Wearing a mask at the Fair is mandatory!
For exhibitors / traders, the participation conditions and registration forms are available on the DT LAG website:
Event organized with the support of Daneș commune Hall, Mureș County
Details and bookings: