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A night at the Museum - Village edition - Discover Stejărișu


Biserica fortificată Stejărișu


2 septembrie 2023, 16:00:00

Organized by:

Primăria Agnita prin Casa de Cultură „Ilarion Cocișiu” Agnita, Asociația Valea Hârtibaciului, Protopopiatul Agnita, Muzeul de Istorie Valea Hârtibaciului, Comunitățile patrimoniale din podișul Hârtibaciului, Stejărișu 195 Guesthouse

Dinner at the Cetate, tastings in the Slăninii Tower in Stejărișu!

For the Night of Museums in the Villages, we are waiting for you in Stejărișu, where you will find:

Gastronomic heritage and local specificity;
Evangelical fortified church and elements of vernacular architecture;
Continuous mosaic landscape, on a large scale, with high natural value – Natura 2000 area.
In the landscape of fortified churches in southern Transylvania, the former Saxon village of Probstdorf/Stejarișu is also included, 800 years after the first written attestation, from the year 1223. We invite you to visit the fortified church and climb the Slăninii Tower for a tasting as per the book, prepared by the wonderful team at Stejărișu 195 Guesthouse!

Details and bookings:

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