MuziColine Concert CelloVision
Biertan, Copșa Mare, Richiș
13 aprilie 2024, 09:00:00
Organized by:
UCIMR, Primăria Comunei Biertan
You are invited to the first event by MuziColine. The concert will feature performances by Adrian Mantu (cello), Dermont Dunne (accordion), and Mihai Cucu (multimedia).
Adrian Mantu is the cellist/founder of the RTÉ Contempo Quartet, Resident Quartet of the National Television of Ireland since 2014, and a professor at RIAM, with over 2,000 concerts in 46 countries.
Mihai Cucu, a video artist born in Romania, has worked extensively at festivals in several countries, creating visuals for contemporary music performances and directing short films. He has also been active as a photographer and video editor.
Accordionist Dermot Dunne, winner of the Irish National Music Competition – "Musician of the Future" in 1996, is now an active performer and teacher at TU Dublin Conservatory. He studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Kiev and regularly performs in Ireland and internationally.
Schedule of the day:
Biertan School, April 13, 10:00 AM • Creative workshops for children - Mihai Cucu (multimedia)
Copșa Mare School, April 13, 12:00 PM • Creative workshops for children - Mihai Cucu (multimedia)
Richiș Cultural Center, April 13, 6:00 PM • CelloVision Concert - Adrian Mantu (cello), Dermont Dunne (accordion), Mihai Cucu (multimedia)
Details and bookings: