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Take a ride on the Hârtibaciu Valley Old Steam Train Line


Hosman, Sibiu


5 septembrie 2021 la 06:45:00

Organized by:

Asociația Prietenii Mocăniței

The old ”Mocănița” Train is coming back to the Hârtibaciu Valley !

This summer, you can admire the Transylvanian Highlands from the Hârtibaciului Valley old narrow gauged line train, every weekend, between Hosman and Cornățel, with two round trips a day, at 9:45 and 16:30, from the village of Hosman. Round trip takes about 2 hours.
💶 Adults (round trip): 25 lei
💷 Children (round trip): 15 lei
🚏 Tickets are purchased online, prior to boarding, on

🚂🚃🚃🚃 The train has a capacity of 40 seats.

All aboard!

📸 Asociatia Prietenii Mocanitei

According to joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications no. 79/988/2020 on measures and rules in the field of transport during the Covid 19 pandemic, distance measures are not recquired on board trains, but it does requires the use of a protective mask in both wagons and platforms.

Details and bookings:

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