IConArts Transilvania Festival 2021 in Cund
31 iulie 2021 la 09:00:00
Organized by:
Organizator / Event organizer: UCMIR, XCS Music, susținut de Valea Verde Retreat, Colinele Transilvaniei
Valea Verde Retreat
12.00 Closing concert of the ICon Arts Academy, first part
Guitar, violin, cello, singing recitals
13.00 Postmodern sitting and local gastronomy
* The program may be subject to change. These will be updated in due course.
The event will comply with all COVID regulations in force.
Access is free by reservation at reservari.ucimr@gmail.com
Participation in the postmodern sitting, which includes local gastronomy, is recommended to be announced no later than 24 hours in advance by paying the amount of 50 lei, representing the advance of 50% of the participation fee.
Details and bookings: