Hiking along the Hârtibaciu Valley: Nucet
8 mai 2022 la 07:00:00
Organized by:

Anii Drumeției, Sibiu Tour Guide, Ionescu Florin
Dear nature lovers,
Join us for an easy hike in the Transylvanian Highlands, around the village of Nucet, to admire from a distance the ridges of Făgăraș along their entire length, from west to east. From the peaks surrounding the village of Nucet we will be able to enjoy superb views over the Hârtibaciului Plateau and the Făgăraș County, between Cârța and Avrig.
Are you passionate about photography? The route offers excellent opportunities for outdoor photography.
Do you love history? We will see the signs of the trenches and we will follow in the footsteps of the soldiers who fought on the hills near Nucet, during the First World War.
Important details❗
Meeting place in Sibiu, at 9:30, in front of the Faculty of Letters of ULBS, on Victoriei Boulevard.
Meeting place in Nucet, at 10:00.
Distance: 9 km
Level difference: 350 m
Route difficulty: medium
Hiking time: about 5-6 hours
📌The route is suitable for hikers of all ages, lovers of nature and history.
Path surface: 60% pasture, 10% forest road, 30% forest.
Must have:
Waterproof hiking boots ;
Thermal layer;
Clothes adapted to the cold season, including a last layer of waterproof;
Hat, sunglasses;
Water bottle;
Trekking poles;
Costs: 50 lei / person - minimum 5 participants
For children up to 14 years old, participation is free, provided they are accompanied by an adult (parents are responsible for assessing the difficulty of the children's route).
‼ ️Note
We offer free round trip transportation from Sibiu, up to 8 seats.
For more details and booking a place in the minibus: Florin Ionescu, 0740205877, florin@sibiutourguide.com.
Details and bookings: