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Family hike: we admire Romania's highest mountains from the Hârtibaciu Valley




16 mai 2021 la 07:00:00

Organized by:

Transylvania Guide Sibiu, Oak Tree Travel, BioHaus Nucet, Colinele Transilvaniei, Asociația Județeană de Turism Sibiu.

Join us for a family hike and outdoor coffee break with a beautiful view, seasoned with local picnic provided by the Cioran family at Bio-Haus in Nucet.

🌼🥾🌤🌳 Vă propunem o nouă drumeție în Colinele Transilvaniei, de data asta în jurul satului Nucet, pentru a admira de la depărtare crestele Făgărașilor pe toată lungimea lor, de la vest la est.
Enjoy spring on Transylvanian Highlands on an outdoor adventure. Discover the beautiful village of Nucet and its surroundings, overlooking the ridges of the Făgăraș Mountains (the hightest in the country) along their entire lenght from west to east.

🏔 From the peaks that surround the village of Nucet we will be able to enjoy superb views over the Hârtibaciului Plateau and the Făgăraș Country, between Cârța and Avrig.

📸📷Are you a photographer? The route offers excellent opportunities for outdoor wonderful snapshots.

🏞🌼🐦🦌 We will rejoice the nature, enjoy the raw green of spring, wildflowers and joyfull birdsongs. Deers might be joining us along the way.

🥗🍗🥧 After the hike, we will regain our strength with a delicious picnic, offered by the Cioran family, at Bio-Haus Household.

🥾 The hike is an easy one, of about 9,5 kilometers, with a level difference of 350 meters, which can be covered by all nature lovers, from young to older. The route crosses a diverse landscape: pastures, beech and oak forests.

We meet at 10 in Nucet, close to the exit from the village (GPS coordinates: 45.79129391719476, 24.376590268877997,ăpșunile.discurile.stilat ).
The hike passes through places full of stories, belvedere areas and protected natural landscapes.
Estimated duration of the hike, without breaks: 4 hours.
On the way back to Nucet, the picnic prepared by our hosts awaits us.

Adult - 110 lei, child (up to 12 years old) - 25 lei.
The price includes assistance from two coffee-break guides, the picnic. If you also want transport, it is offered free of charge, from Sibiu, up to 12 places (please let us know in advance if you need transport).

Reservations at:
Adela - 0743 377 969
Florin - 0740 205 877

#aniidrumetiei #eurorando2021 #sibiuexperiences

Details and bookings:

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